Short description:
Sales/Business intelligence API that respond to requests through pre-defined list of RESTful API endpoints. The list of API endpoints are documented in the README markdown up on GitHub.
Postman app screenshot capturing response for calling API endpoint that returns a list of all items of the merchant with the matching id.
Paired project in Mod3 at Turing. Built this Rails API app from scratch. We used the “divide and conquer” approach for this project. The project details markdown grouped the required features for two people. I was responsible for all Person B features. List of key details I worked on implementing:
- record endpoints for invoices, items and invoice items,
- relationship endpoints for merchants, transactions and customers,
- multiple business intelligence endpoints,
- general refactoring,
- use TDD throughout the development,
- add corner cases and detailed test coverage, example: customers_spec.
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- ActiveRecords
- RESTful routes
- RSpec
- Heroku
Project improvement opportunities:
- add special corner cases to test plan,
- refactor long if-elsif evaluations,