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Laszlo Balogh

wannabe Software Developer, Engineer, Runner, Photographer and some other things in between...

Projects - Portfolio

Here is an overview of some of the projects I contributed to, since I decided to become a software developer.
This overview has been built with D3.js library. I used the Hierarchical Edge Bundling from Mike Bostock as a starting point and added some minor customization, such as formatting Project differently from resources. Hover over the names and see the links highlighted. :-)

This page is still a work in progress. I will continue adding more specific details about each project, but this page is already functional.
Follow up items:
- Build project specific intro pages, following the template set for Job Tracker
- Make sure all details are in-sync between the D3-based overview and the content of the project detail pages
- BONUS: Add dynamically shown project details to the D3-based overview…

The Planout Project Private Repo
This is an app that I am currently actively working on and planning to release later this year. The app will help people to stay active, by making it easy to find events to sign up for and identify potential cost savings that will quickly add up for anyone who is going to sign up for more than one events. After a well received concept demo, the entire app is being re-built in a more robust and more future-proof way. Stay up to date through the official site. Get started with a short read: how The Planout Project was born: read The Short Story Behind The Planout Project up on Medium
Official site

Sales/Business intelligence API that respond to requests through pre-defined list of RESTful API endpoints. The list of API endpoints are documented in the README markdown up on GitHub.
Live Demo - Merchant Items

A parody website with Ruby on Rails running under the hood. Visitors can purchase various activities with politicians. Behind the parody theme the site features a fully functional online store implementation with integrated shopping cart functionality, item views and user authentication. For the site admin, there is a dashboard that allows admins to manage orders: view and sort them by their status and update their status as needed.
Live Demo

Job Tracker
Ruby on Rails project providing tracking capability to support personal job search. The site includes a dashboard with simple analytics functionality besides the dedicated pages to view and organize job opportunities per Companies, Locations and job Categories.
Live Demo