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Laszlo Balogh

wannabe Software Developer, Engineer, Runner, Photographer and some other things in between...

Planout Project

Private Repo

Short description:
This is an app that I am currently actively working on and planning to release later this year. The app will help people to stay active, by making it easy to find events to sign up for and identify potential cost savings that will quickly add up for anyone who is going to sign up for more than one events. After a well received concept demo, the entire app is being re-built in a more robust and more future-proof way. Stay up to date through the official site. Get started with a short read: how The Planout Project was born: read The Short Story Behind The Planout Project up on Medium

Coming… In the meantime head over to the official site of The Planout Project The Planout Project logo

Finally at the end of Mod4 at Turing I built a concept demo for the idea that I have been nurturing for a while, but didn’t know how to build. After graduation, teamed up with another member of our cohort to rebuild most of the site in a more robust way. List of key details I worked on implementing:
- vision for final implementation,
- build origin concept demo,
- prepare wireframes with Balsamic,
- user authentication,
- replace original Javascript/JQuery/AngularJS FrontEnd with ReactJS,
- setting up routes/models/controllers for features I worked on,
- use TDD throughout the development,
- add corner cases to test coverage,
- initial styling,
- refactoring,
- and so much more…

- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- ReactJS - ActiveRecords
- Devise
- Bootstrap
- RSpec
- Capybara
- Heroku
- Circle CI

Project improvement opportunities:
- currently ongoing process, but in general feeling pretty good ab,
- refactor all admin functionality,
- refactor user role management,
- cover more corner cases,